The ever-changing winter weather is making life difficult for the residents in the village of Brockport and for the people commuting into the college campus.
The month of January has been especially harsh for the students at The College at Brockport. These weather conditions have made it tough for some students to get on, off and around campus.
Kalina Singleton is a senior at SUNY Brockport who lives in the village and has a rough time getting to the college and around the village.
“The streets are death traps. They get very icy and then it snows over the ice so you can’t see the ice, or it rains over the ice. So, it’s extra slick.” Singleton said.
Although Singleton’s main concern is the icy streets of Brockport, she also cares about how landlords in Brockport help their student tenants during the snow storms.
Landlords across Brockport have different expectations about how they want their tenants to maintain the property during the winter.
Singleton said that her landlord helps with clearing the pathways only on weekdays. On the weekends she is left to try and figure out how to clean up the pathways on her own.
“If you are not going to do it, let me do it or give me the tools.” she said.
Although most commuters live around the college campus and only have a short drive, others must risk driving in from the Rochester or Greece area.
The Midwest endured a polar vortex which according to scientists, is a low-pressure area that has a wide expanse of swirling cold air in polar regions.
The polar vortex really made it difficult for all students to get to their classes, or anywhere. The temperature went as low as negative 16 degrees. Brockport made sure to let their students know they were not cancelling class.
Matthew Miller is also a Senior at SUNY Brockport, but due to the harsh weather, he does not really leave his room unless it is to go to classes.
“I live in the Townhomes so I was just walking. But when it like, turned to ice I was sliding everywhere and I’m like this is definitely a hazard.” Miller said
Unlike some students living in the village, students who live on campus do not have to worry about shoveling. The college tries to keep areas safe for people who are traveling through campus during these tough winter days.
“In the Townhomes, maintenance does a good job with salting and everything.” Miller said.
Although the campus may do a good job shoveling and salting, The Brock does not do as well now that the college does not own the property.
Some residents say the parking lots and sidewalks are poorly shoveled, while others say they are alright.
Brianna Boone is a freshman at SUNY Brockport who currently lives at The Brock. She drives to get to her classes but during those rough winter days it’s very difficult for her.
“I have trouble getting to class sometimes, often due to the bad weather and road conditions. I feel as though The Brock is plowed reasonably well, however, it is still very icy and dangerous.” Boone said.
Boone also explained how the parking lots at The Brock are slick with ice, and they do not put much salt down, similar to the village.
The spring semester is an exciting time, but until spring actually arrives students at The College at Brockport will have to power through the transitional weather.