The magnitude 7.8 earthquake on February 6 killed over 52,000 people, the vast majority of whom were in Turkey. According to Turkey’s president, 300,000 buildings have either collapsed or been severely damaged.

The earthquake also had an impact on people in our local Brockport community. Furkan Ercan, a Brockport College student, lost family members due to the incident.
“I’m from the providence area where the earthquake happened. I lost an aunt from my father side who died, and my family had to move up north,” said Ercan.
Furkan is one of many people in our community who were personally affected by the earthquake. He, along with many other people and organizations are attempting to assist with the relief.
“People are seeking shelter and refuge. Right now, the best we can do is keep in touch and donating.” Ercan said.
There are numerous ways to assist those who are recovering from the earthquake disaster. Donating to relief organizations is one way for people to help the victims. Donating to these organizations can help fund relief efforts, provide necessary supplies and resources, and aid in long-term recovery efforts.
The Turkish society of Rochester has established a GoFundMe page on their website to raise money for rehabilitation. Giving to these groups can assist with funding relief operations, supplying essential materials and resources, and supporting long-term rehabilitation efforts.
In our local community, The Brockport Muslims Student Association club is organizing a table to collect supplies and money for earthquake victims. The social media specialist of the club Asha Bakri states that every Wednesday the club will have a table in the college union to collect supplies and donates.
“We will have a table every Wednesday in the union, inshallah to gather supplies and donates.” says Bakri

The Brockport Muslims Club assisting with relief efforts by gathering supplies as well as informing the Brockport community about the earthquake.
“We want to bring awareness to the issue that happen in Syria and turkey, as will give the people of Brockport an opportunity to help with the relief programs. We have a care community in Brockport, and I know many would help if they knew how to.” says Bakri
It is heartening to see people from all over the world banding together in the aftermath of this disaster to offer their support and assistance to those who have been affected. While the scale of the destruction and the number of people affected may seem overwhelming, it is important to remember that every little bit helps. Individuals can make a difference by donating money to relief organizations, volunteering time and resources, or simply spreading awareness about the situation.
Even if you live thousands of miles away, there are still ways to get involved and show your support. Working together and offering whatever assistance we can, we can help to alleviate the burden on those who are struggling in the aftermath of this disaster.