By Ricky Wolf
Hilton, NY– Few people love their first job. Typically, people settle for the first job that they can find. Some workers never find a job that makes them happy. Ben Hahm is not one of those people. Hahm has found his dream first job at Great Lakes Classic Cars in Hilton, NY.
Great Lakes Classic Cars is a family-owned business that provides service for owners of special cars. The classic car shop has a sales and service department, as well as a cleaning and detailing service managed by Hahm and his coworkers.
Hahm, age 17, has always been interested in cars. He says he enjoys attending car shows as often as he can. In addition to cars, another hobby of his is photography. His work allows him to combine these two passions on a weekly basis.
Ben is a high school senior, but he is taking college classes at Monroe Community College. Hahm says that he has no trouble balancing work and school because he works only on Friday and Saturday during the school year. He rides a bus to school, and usually rides his bicycle to work. His ride to work is less than one mile.
When he gets to work, he cleans cars, takes pictures of cars and cleans the shop and showroom.
He had previously searched for other jobs, but none of them involved his interests. His patience was the key to an ideal job.