Written by: Zach Wagner
Dedication, commitment, and leadership; those are the traits associated with music extraordinaire, Grant Gariff. Over the last fourteen years, Gariff has been all over the country trying to follow his dream, when the keys to success may have been in his home town of Rochester all along.
After spending about a half a decade in Los Angeles, Gariff was nowhere near where he wanted to be musically. He flew back to Rochester with a sense of defeat, but nothing could ever extinguish his love for the art of creating music. Through some soul searching and one enlightening psychedelic experience, Gariff knew if he wanted to be successful, he would have to surround himself with people that have the same passion and drive as himself. Gariff turned to Facebook to find people in the area doing the same thing as him. At this moment, Creatives of Entertainment was born.
Currently, Creatives of Entertainment consist of Gariff, Video Editor Alex Pakitsas, local producer Zakk Mount, and Manger/Head of Marketing Mike Allen. The team has dabbled with some artist in the Rochester area and look to expand to different cities to find other artist who fit their sound.
In this slideshow, you’ll take a dive into Gariff’s homemade studio he built himself and works from every day. You’ll come face to face with his challenges he’s endured over his journey that got him to this point today. Being the leader can sometimes be a tough responsibility, but Gariff is always up for the task.