By Ben Grimaudo
Canalside Chronicles Staff
College is a place where students can learn more about the careers they are pursuing and can prepare for their future. At The College at Brockport, seniors are getting ready for careers after graduation in May. For some of them, Brockport has helped them tremendously and they already have jobs lined up after graduation.
Merelyn Aragon is a senior Nursing student at Brockport, and already has a job lined up for after she walks the stage on Saturday, May 12. Aragon will be starting in the emergency department at Rochester General Hospital in August.
Throughout her time at Brockport Aragon has been preparing her resume and getting ready to find a job in the nursing field.
“I first made it freshman year and I updated it until now,” Aragon said.
All Aragon has left to do before she starts working is to pass her nursing exams and finish paperwork at her new job. She got the job through her clinical at Brockport and said that finding a job was “pretty easy”.
Other students are not as fortunate as Aragon but still have made the most of their opportunities. Chad Rowley, a communication studies major, has worked at the college radio station WBSU, 89.1 The Point. After he graduates, Rowley is hoping to get a job in radio which he says is “very competitive.” Having a strong resume is something that Rowley values.
“A resume is so important. Making sure you take your time writing out every little aspect you can especially people like experience,” Rowley said.
While at Brockport, Rowley has gained a lot of valuable experience as a DJ at The Point.
“There are a lot of people in radio in Rochester who are alumni from this school and they all worked at this station. It works as a network and it helped me more than just my schooling alone,” Rowley said.
The station’s operations manager, Briana Milon is also looking to enter the radio industry. Milon has been applying for jobs and has been going over her resume for any weaknesses. While she is on air on The Point as a DJ, most of the jobs she is applying for are off air.
“It is much harder to get a DJ job in radio. I have applied for a news reporter position and PR rep stuff,” Milon said.
Milon thinks that The Point has helped a lot in preparing for a career in radio.
“It’s not just Brockport, but The Point. If it was not for this I still feel underqualified for certain things depending. I would not feel as qualified if I did not spend four years here,” Milon said.
While students looking for a career in radio have found success at Brockport others plans are a little vaguer for when they graduate. M.J. Dixson is a criminal justice major with forensics who has not done any internships at Brockport or have a job in her desired field lined up. Over the summer she will be supervisor for the BASC Conference and Events and after that she is heading to Ocean City Maryland to look at their police department.
While at Brockport Dixson learned about the potential job opportunities in Ocean City.
“The criminal justice department were the ones who referred me to Ocean City Maryland. They sent me a forwarding email and then got me in contact and I have also been in contact with university police officers,” Dixson said.
While Dixson does not yet have a job in her field, she still feels that Brockport adequately prepared her for career in forensics.
“I feel very prepared and I am ready to take that next step and get out of college studying and schoolwork,” Dixson said.
Another student who does not have a job lined up upon graduation is Kailean Hubbard. Hubbard is a kinesiology major with a minor in sociology. She is not worried about her job search.
After graduation, Hubbard plans on working for two years before going to graduate school. Her career goal after that is to work in activities at a fitness center such as the Y.
“I have ideas of what I want to do and plenty of options. I do not think I am going to be jobless,” Hubbard said.