By Dylan Rippe
College students are struggling. According to Mayo Clinic Health, up to 44% of college students have reported symptoms of depression and anxiety. Recent research has shown consistent exercise can combat these symptoms and provide relief.
St. John Fisher University Senior Lauren Mossing has suffered anxiety throughout her life. She just recently started regular exercise and is reaping the rewards.
“I only started adding working out to my routine about a month ago but I am really happy I did,” Mossing said. “Going to the gym fills my intrinsic goals and makes me feel like I’m taking care of myself.”
30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day can help symptoms of mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. Breaking that up into three, ten minute sections is an easy way to complete this.
“I like the different options that I have and the different exercises that I can do. When I finish a good workout on some of my hardest days I prove to myself how strong I really am,” Mossing said.
Tasks such as getting out of bed and going out into the world can prove to be extremely difficult when battling mental illness. Taking that first step is always the hardest thing to do. Exercising can prove to make a massive difference.
Researchers found that, on average, a person has 3.4 poor mental health days per month. But among those who exercise, the number of poor mental health days dropped by more than 40 percent.
Graduate student Jake Wlostowski plays soccer at SUNY Brockport. He exercises for a variety of reasons.
“I got into working out about five years ago, starting out just running and lifting because I was a scrawny kid in high school. I like to exercise to improve not only my physical but also my mental health,” Wlostowski said.
Wlostowski played high school sports and has been active for the majority of his life. He has benefitted physically from working out but has found more about himself in the weight room.

“Working out and breaking a sweat improves my mood during the day. Overall seeing the results of the gym as you stick with it also boosts my self-confidence and makes you feel a sense of accomplishment,” Wlostowski said.
Almost one out of two college students reported symptoms of depression or anxiety. This crisis is in desperate need for a solution. Regular exercise can provide the relief students are looking for.